MODIVO Ads: FAQ – All you want to ask about our tool

In this article, we have gathered all the essential information to answer any questions you might have about our advertising platform. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, we have got you covered with a guide to navigating MODIVO Ads.


How can I start displaying Sponsored offers through MODIVO Ads?

To start displaying Sponsored offers, you need to have an account in the MODIVO Ads system. To create one, contact us by email at Then, configure the campaign in the Advertiser Panel.


What information do I need to provide when configuring an account in MODIVO Ads?

Please send information about:

  • Brand name
  • Brand code (in the “Brands” tab on the website -> choose your brand -> provide the information from the URL, e.g.,
  • Email addresses to grant access to.


What information do I need to provide when configuring Sponsored Offers?

When configuring Sponsored offers, you need to specify the campaign name, choose daily or total budget, indicate the online store domain, select the product, and set the maximum cost per click.


How are sales attributed to advertising campaigns?

We attribute sales to the campaign results as follows:

  • Sales of your products within 7 days of clicking on an ad for your product in the same category.
  • Sales of your products within 1 day of viewing an ad for the same product.


Can I set the start and end date of my advertising campaign?

Yes, you can specify the start and end date of the campaign in the Advertiser Panel. If you don’t specify these dates, the offer will run until the daily or total budget is spent.


What happens when my Total Budget is spent?

When the Total Budget is spent, the display will be immediately suspended, even if the Daily Budget has not been spent.


What happens when my Daily Budget is spent?

If the Daily Budget is spent, the display of the Sponsored offer will be suspended until the end of the day. The display will resume the next day if the campaign duration includes that day.


Do I need to be authorized to direct traffic for a specific entity?

Yes, by starting the display of Sponsored offers, you declare that you have the authority to direct user traffic to the entity whose goods or services are covered by the Sponsored offer.


How does the ranking for Sponsored offers work?

Sponsored offers are displayed in order according to the Ranking, which may depend on various factors such as the product’s relevance to the site’s theme and the maximum cost per click.


Under what conditions is a Sponsored offer displayed in our online stores?

A Sponsored offer is displayed if criteria such as product relevance to the site’s theme, occupying the appropriate place in the Ratings, and product availability in the online store are met.


Is the availability of funds from the Budget a necessary condition for displaying a Sponsored offer?

Yes, a Sponsored offer can only be displayed with the availability of funds specified within the Daily and/or Total Budget.


What is the duration of displaying a Sponsored offer?

You can specify the duration of the display in the Panel. If no duration is specified, the campaign runs until the Daily or Total Budget is exhausted or until it is disabled in the Advertiser Panel.


What happens if a product is unavailable in the online store?

If a product is sold out or unavailable in the online store, the display of the Sponsored offer is suspended. Resumption occurs after the product becomes available again and funds are available in the Daily or Total Budget.


Can I make changes during the campaign?

Yes, changes made in the Advertiser Panel during the campaign take effect within a maximum of 2 hours, with some exceptions. When selecting All Products offers, there is no possibility of further editing products for that campaign, but you can edit budgets and campaign duration.


Can I exclude individual items by choosing the All-Products campaign type?

No, when selecting All Products offers, there is no possibility of editing products in a given campaign.


When can the Service Provider refuse or suspend the display of a Sponsored offer?

The Service Provider may refuse or suspend the display of a Sponsored offer if the display violates the rights of third parties, technical issues arise, or it may negatively impact the image of the Service Provider or other entities. In such cases, no service fees are charged.


Do I have access to statistics for my campaign?

Yes, real-time statistics are available in the Advertiser Panel, which forms the basis for assessing the level of Sponsored offer display performance.


How is the cost of a campaign for using MODIVO Ads calculated?

The cost and its amount are calculated based on the actually used funds for clicks on Sponsored offers, relying on statistics available in the Advertiser Panel. The cost depends on the number of clicks on Sponsored offers.


Can the cost of a campaign exceed the specified Daily/Total Budget?

The cost cannot exceed the Daily and/or Total Budget specified in the Advertiser Panel, provided that it has been set by you.


How often is the cost of a campaign charged, and when are they presented for payment?

Cost is charged on an ongoing basis and is visible in the panel. Within 5 days of the end of the month, we will issue a VAT invoice for the amount for that period. Payment should be made within 15 days of issuing the VAT invoice to the specified bank account. The cost is charged in PLN.

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